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National Catholic 2025 Winter Meeting Now Open for Registration
National Catholic Makes Available 2023 Annual Report with Included Audited Financial Statements. Click the Annual Report button in the upper right-hand section of the screen to view.
Shareholders of National Catholic can now download a copy of their 2023 Stock Schedules. These schedules are useful to see the value of their equity B Shares of National Catholic stock. Click HERE to log in.
TNCRRG presents the Newsletter for June 2024
Where We Are Today

The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. (National Catholic) is a licensed insurance company domiciled in the State of Vermont, operating as a risk retention group pursuant to the federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA). Incorporated on August 12, 1987, we launched formal operations on June 30, 1988. We now operate in 21 states and are authorized to write liability insurance in all 50 states, subject to the requirements of the federal LRRA. We also insure a multitude of exposures for the Catholic Church throughout the country. Our underlying insurance programs are provided through local insurance agents, national brokers, insurers and self-insurance programs. National Catholic provides a basic program of $750,000 excess of $250,000 (either insurance or a self-insured retention) Excess Liability coverage on either a claims-made or on an occurrence policy form as determined by the participant, with alternate retention limits available.

Our shareholders each maintain their own anniversary-expiration date for coverage. We also offer up to $14,000,000 excess of $1,000,000 Excess Liability. This program follows form with the underlying National Catholic coverage with the exception that it does not automatically include Directors’ & Officers’ Liability or Sexual Misconduct Limited coverage. However, these coverages may be quoted contingent upon a specific underwriting analysis.