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National Catholic 2026 Winter Meeting Location has been announced
National Catholic Makes Available 2023 Annual Report with Included Audited Financial Statements. Click the Annual Report button in the upper right-hand section of the screen to view.
Shareholders of National Catholic can now download a copy of their 2023 Stock Schedules. These schedules are useful to see the value of their equity B Shares of National Catholic stock. Click HERE to log in.

Dear Shareholders & Industry Partners,

As I've mentioned in previous messages, creating, and adhering to policies and procedures adopted and implemented by your organization is crucial. Adults simply must do better at observing and listening as these situations are typically well-known amongst the kids involved, especially in schools. Most troubling is when the adults in charge of these kids are aware, and either turn a blind eye, or support these unacceptable actions. This simply can’t be tolerated any longer and those who set policies must ensure proper adherence to these policies with serious consequences for those who choose to ignore them. This publication focuses on potential retaliation exposures created when someone feels they have been subjected to adverse actions following a report of "bullying."

Our author, Ashley R. Lynam, is a partner at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads where she advises clients on institutional responses to sex, gender, and race-based harassment, discrimination, and abuse. A former rape prosecutor, Ashley has handled the investigation, prosecution, and defense of high-profile claims involving allegations of misconduct, and counsels her clients on policy drafting, implementation, and risk assessment. 

Please forward this to anyone within your diocese or organization who may find this information valuable and who has exposure to kids in their daily responsibilities. If you’d like any of the first three publications authored by Ashley, please let me know and I will get those out to you!

Tony McLaughlin
Vice President, Claims & Shareholder Initiatives

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